Sedum morganianum Burrito aka Donkey Tail

New cuttings potted up mid April 2018
Early Aug, the growth rate is increasing, once the weather cools a bit it’ll grow faster

First listed by Glasshouse Works in 1988, it’s a species native to eastern Mexico. It’s a smaller, thicker version of Sedum edeveria.

It’s most common use by gardeners is in hanging baskets.

Protect from cold, it prefers temperatures ~ 70’F, anything lower than 45’F will damage or kill plant

Sun to light shade, minimum 4 hours of direct sun daily

Keep damp in growing season, drier in winter

Lightly fertilize

Dropped leaves or yellowing leaves appear if the plant isn’t getting enough light

Tiny red flowers will appear on end of tails

Propagation by cuttings or leaves placed in damp soil and moderate sun. As new growth appears gently cut back on watering and give the plant more sun.

Lepismium Cruciforme Rhipsalis

New cuttings potted up mid April 2018
First flower on the new cuttings
New cuttings getting started
Cuttings in Sept, some progress
Late Nov 2019, still skinny but getting longer

This is one of those plants I stumbled across a photo of and I had to have it. Once it gets going it looks like an octopus trying to escape the flower pot.

A green to red rhipsalis with small tufts of white with red flowers along plant. Flowers will become small red fruits. A happy plant can have trailing stems up to 4′ long. This is a hanging rhipsalis, it’ll need to be up high enough to let the branches trail. Fast growing once it gets started.

Water lightly but do not let get dry, water more in warm weather less in cold weather. Pot must have good drainage

Light shade, will burn in direct afternoon sun, loves bright morning sun best

Protect from cold, 55’F, and from heat greater than 80’F

Propagate from cuttings, let end callous over before planting in damp soil

Endangered in natural habitat, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, so be sure to pass cuttings along to all the gardeners you know

Manfreda maculosa aka Texas Tuberose aka Deciduous Agave

Not quite blooming in the first week of April, but very happy in their new very sunny location

These were relocated last fall, and are starting to fill out now that they’re getting more sun. I’ll add some new photos when they bloom.

The leaf rosettes will fill out to about 3′ and they’ll send up dozens of stalks from each clump in early May (in Houston). Flower stalks are between 4′-6′ tall. Now that they are getting more sun the leaves will become speckled with purple.

They prefer well-drained soil and are drought tolerant once established.

Native to south-eastern Texas through north-eastern Mexico, often found growing wild

Propagate by division and seed

28 known species

Named after an Italian writer, Manfredus de Monte Imperiale

Problems: Really hates being wet, plant in a dry and sunny location

Aeonium arboretum

Aeonium arboreum ‘Zwartkop’ aka Black rose

New cutting late March 2018
New cutting late March 2018
Aeonium arboreum growing in a sidewalk garden in California
I put some cuttings in the ground last fall
Fall 2020


Aeonium arboreum

The flowers are actually leaves, in older plants they can be as large as 8″ across. The true flowers are a bright yellow, and look like small daisies. I’ll post photos once it blooms. These just arrived this week. A new batch arrived, I’m trying some outside and some indoors.

Colors vary from red to silvery green, some varieties are only green. Red/green ones will turn redder with more light, summer heat and winter cold, less water, pretty much any stressor. This is true of the Crassulaceae family of plants.

The plant grows long stems with sparse clumps of rosettes. It looks like a small tree when fully grown (~3′)

I’m hoping to grow it outside. I have some indoors, some in the ground and a few in pots outside. I’ll post more information after I see how they do. It’s rated for zones 9-11 so it’s probably best grown as a house plant.

Indoors grow it in full sun, well drained soil, same as you would for any succulent. Water it more in the summer, less in the winter, giving it a thorough soaking and letting it go almost dry between waterings. These go dormant in the summer and winter, most growth occurs in the spring and fall. Water less during dormant seasons.

Propagation is by cuttings in early spring. The two plants in the photos are cuttings, I’ve potted them up in wet soil, I’ll let the soil get drier and give them more light over the next few weeks. I put about 8 cuttings outside in the fall in Houston. They survived winter, including a couple light frosts. I don’t think they’ll survive a Houston summer outside, we’ll see. You can’t give these plants too much sun. The ones growing the best receive the most sun.

The earliest mention of this plant I could find was late 1880s where it is mentioned as a houseplant or plant for warm, dry landscapes.

It’s in the same plant family as jade, Crassulaceae. It’s native to the Canary Islands where it prefers to grow on volcanic hillsides among the rocks.

Outside try to keep the plant between 40’F-80’F.

They can handle a gentle frost. I’m still working on an upper bound temperature. Most of these survived the summer, the ones that received the most sun and the ones in large pots handled summer the best.

Kosmik Kaktus ?


When ever I go to a home warehouse store I wander through the plant section. Sometimes I get lucky. These caught my eye. How could you miss those colors?

I tried to find information on the company but all I could find were blog and forum entries. If you look closely at the turquoise blue one front and center it appears the newer part of the leaves are growing out green. I’m guessing the plants are just painted? idk?

Kosmic Kaktus has been trademarked by Altman Plants in Calif

If you like these, why not? I’ve certainly done worse things to plants over the years. Might be a fun way to horrify your neighbors?