Phyllanthus urinaria Chamberbitter


The weeds are the plants I have the most difficult time ID’ing. No one puts out books on weeds. A reader contacted me, correctly pointed out that the seed pods were wrong for for Chamberbitter. That was an image I snapped in a park, incorrectly ID’ing it as Chamberbitter.  I’ve removed that image. If the plant you’re trying to ID has long seed pods it’s probably in the Mimosa family and a lot larger than Chamberbitter. You should also be wary of Mimosas that show up in your garden

This showed up a few years ago and it’s been impossible to eradicate. On the upside they are easy to pull up so it’s not a lot of work to remove them. Best practice is to pull them before they have a chance to reseed. Seeds require light to germinate

Height: up to 2′
Prefers warm, moist, shady soil, but will grow in full sun
Native to Asia

Don’t try this at home:
– plant may have anti-tumor, antiviral properties. This is folklore, I couldn’t find any scientific studies to back this up
